HOD's Name : Yamuna V | Email :This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | Contact :8971550180

Welcome to the Department of Civil Engineering - a community of academics who work together, learn together, and endeavour to make the world a better place.
Civil engineers design, build, operate, and maintain the structures and infrastructure that allows our society to function well. Critically important to our everyday life, these facilities include buildings, roads, bridges, safe drinking water systems, storm water and wastewater collection and treatment systems, railroads, seaports, airports, dams, and many others. Civil, environmental, and coastal engineers address all of these infrastructure issues. They design, build, operate, and maintain the built environment in which we live, work, play and to provide and maintain the infrastructure needed by all of us is easy to see, but a huge challenge. As money and natural resources become more and more limited, our designs must become more cost-effective and sustainable.
An exciting and highly challenging period to be civil engineer, discovering effective solutions to civil challenges will require collaborations with industry and policymakers, and the input of scholars through creative education and research that is founded on sound scientific and engineering principles.
The backbone of our Civil Engineering program is our faculty who recognize the importance of good classroom teaching and all strive to encourage student-faculty communication—both inside and outside the classroom. At DSI’s Department of Civil Engineering, faculty and staff care about providing a comprehensive educational experience for our students. Faculty are role models and often provide professional guidance to students, engaging students in research, and providing opportunities for students to further their knowledge. Faculty are role models and often provide professional guidance to students.
I am certain that our students will prove to be an invaluable asset to the organization as well as the society.