Nasa App Hackathon

Hackathon - Runner
We are happy to congratulate Master Mohammed Zaid of Grade 9 who secured II Place in Neev Hackathon - A Computer Coding event - Senior level - in Aikyam 2024 - 25 organised by Neev Academy
Karate Championship
We are very happy to inform that our students continued their extraordinary performance in the Karate Tournament.
Our school team has won "OVERALL TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP" in Shimogga Karate Tournament.
The following students bagged the prizes at different levels.
Mohammed Izyan - Grade 5 - Kata 1st Prize, Kumite 2nd Prize.
Shaik Mohammed Danish - Grade 8 - Kata 2nd Prize, Kumite 3rd Prize
Shaik Mohammed Zaid - Grade 7 - Kata 2nd Prize
Ashish - Grade 7 - Kata - 1st Prize
We congratulate our school Karate Master Mr. Satwik and all the students for their hard work and efforts in lifting the Championship.

Proud Achiever

Championship Award
Very happy to inform you all that Students of DSIS have bagged many Prizes in the 4th Shimoga International Tournament of Karate Championship. It was an International event which was held at Shimoga on 05.08.2023,Saturday and 06.08.2023,Sunday.
Six countries with 4000 students participated in this tournament. India, Srilanka,USA, Nepal, Bhutan, Malaysia and our students represented India. It's indeed a proud moment.
Congratulations to all the students and Karate Master Shihan Satvik.
International Book of Records
It is a proud moment for Dayananda Sagar International School, Bangalore. Ms. Bhakti S Gowda a student of 7th grade (12yrs 2months 23days) who not only excels in academics but is an ardent and talented classical dancer, has established The World Record of Fastest to solve Brainvita Marble Solitaire Game while reciting names of 65 Kauravas in just 50secs on 20th May 2023.
The Principal of the school Mrs Varsha Jaideep along with the entire team of DSIS congratulates Ms. Bhakti and the proud parents for setting a new world record for the International Book of Records.
National Press Council of India
DAYANANDA SAGAR INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL feels proud to share that our science faculty Mrs. Sumana. M has been awarded National Teachers Award-2022 from the National Press Council of India.
Geetha Gayana Spardhe
Dayananda Sagar International School Scouts and Guides wing has participated in "Geetha Gayana Spardhe'' - A patriotic singing competition and won 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prize in Cubs Group, 1st and 2nd Prize in Bulbul Group, 3rd Prize in Group Singing. Cubs and Bulbuls are selected for District Level.

Do you know
It's an immense pleasure that Dayananda Sagar International School has won one more feather to its crown and has proved itself by bagging All India Award
"India Merit Awards"
By Education Today for top ICSE School Ranked No 1 in Co-Curricular Education on 11th March 2022.
The celebration Continues. ..........????????????????

Prodigy Premiere league winners 2021-22
India's top ICSE schools
It's a proud moment to be part of Education India Survey and DSIS has been Ranked No.1 under the category "India's top ICSE schools parameter wise"
The same has been published in EDUCATION TODAY MAGAZINE
Fit India School
It's a pleasure to inform that Dayananda Sagar International school has been certified as one of the Fit India school by Fit India sports association

Teachers Award Ceremony by IIHM
As quoted by *DARWIN D MARTIN*
"_A teacher's job is to take a bunch of live wires and see that they are well grounded_".
It was indeed a proud moment for teachers of DSIS who were awarded for recovering and revitalizing education for covid generation on Sept 5th 2021 on the occassion of Teacher's Day by *Indian Institute* of *Hotel Management*
_Congratulations_ to all the teachers who were awarded

Best Teacher Award- 2021
Every year IIHM felicitates teachers on "Teacher's Day" for their exemplary work.This year DSIS 9 teachers were nominated and it's an honor that DSIS 9 teachers were awarded with "Best Teacher Award-2021"
Congratulations to Team DSIS.
Best Math Teacher Award
Our School Teacher Mrs. Shobha Srinivas attended a workshop and qualified to get the Best Math Teacher Award with 3rd Rank.
The workshop was Bangalore Math Game-a-thon organised by Prodigy Education hosted from 5th August, 2021 to 14th August, 2021.

Singing Competition.
Our school student Diganth from grade 6 is the winner of singing competition.
This was the competition which was sent from school to all the students.
Good going Diganth.

Math Game-a-thon
Our student Master Mridhul S took 1st place in Math Game-a-thon organized by Prodigy Education
And Master Syed Saifan Ahmed of Class 5 took 3rd place in Bangalore Math Game-a-thon organized by Prodigy Education.

It's a proud moment to share with all that our Ex-Student *Kruthika V* (2014-15 batch) has won GOLD Medal in THROWBALL game in *4th National Championship 2021-22* organised by YOUTH ASIAN GAMES FEDRATION(INDIA).
Hybrid learning
Our School Teacher Mrs. Sridevi K R attended a workshop and qualified to get the certificate.
The seminar that we attended is from microsoft, 5 day workshop on hybrid learning where they trained us about different teaching platforms and apps like khaizala, kahoot, teams and their properties.